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Entwickelt, um verheerende Kraft zu liefern! Das brandneue „Cynergy Breach“ Break Queue verwendet ein 12,75 mm Carbonfaser Break Oberteil, das entwickelt wurde, um mehr Energie für Ihren wichtigen Eröffnungsstoß zu liefern. Mit einem steiferen Carbonfaser-Filament, das mit einer felsenfesten Phenol-Ferrule und einem Taom 2.0-Break/Jump Tip gepaart ist, ist jeder Breach-Break-Cue bereit, die Konkurrenz auszuschalten.
- Cynergy Breach Carbonfaser-Oberteil
- 12.75mm Power-Pro Taper
- Tip: Taom® 2.0 Break/Jump
- Länge: 29“
- Gewicht: 4.0oz
- Kern aus kanadischem Ahorn in A+ Qualität
- Ohne-Griffband
- Satinierte Oberflächenversiegelung
- 3/8×14 Cuetec Joint (21.30mm)
- Edelstahljoint und schwarze Ringe
- Cuetec Acueweight Gewichts-System
- Länge: 29“
Weitere Ausstattung:
- CT Gewindeschoner
Gesamtgewicht: 19oz
The relationship between a player and their cue is formed by feedback. It’s comprised of thousands of minute details, each interpreted by the player’s senses: the sound of the hit, the depth and sightline with each practice stroke, the diameter and smoothness of the bridge as the shaft slides through, the slight vibrations felt in the player’s grip as the cue’s tip makes impact. Each of these interactions forges this relationship, creating trust between the player and their cue. It was with these factors in mind that Cuetec set-out to develop the all-new line of Cynergy carbon fiber composite shafts.
“If I can’t feel it, I can’t use it,” was one of the first things five-time U.S. Open 9-Ball Champion Shane Van Boening said as we began discussing the development of Cynergy Shafts. Shane was right. With such a premium placed on deflection results over the past decade, feel and feedback had been left behind, replaced by percentage points and equations that had little to do with how the shaft felt or how much information it transmitted to the player wielding it.
With Shane’s mandate in mind, Cuetec engineers began developing a unique solution that would utilize the benefits of advanced carbon fiber manufacturing technology without sacrificing the feedback and touch players have long associated with Maple shafts. We’re proud to say that after more than a year of testing countless prototypes, the fruits of that labor have arrived in the Cynergy 12.5, 11.8, and 10.5 shafts. Shafts developed to elevate the connection between the player and their cue, with the added benefits of carbon fiber composite technology.
“After more than a decade of playing and winning at the highest level with Cuetec equipment, I can honestly say the Cynergy 12.5 is the most complete shaft I’ve ever played with.” – Shane Van Boening, Cuetec Professional Player Team Captain
Cuetec’s Cynergy carbon composite shafts are constructed with multi-plies of resin-impregnated military-grade unidirectional carbon fiber filaments. The diameter of each filament is 7 um(0.007 mm), or about one-twelfth of a human hair. The orientation of these carbon fiber filaments is crucial to achieving optimal durability, strength, and performance. During the heat curing process each of these specifically oriented filaments works together to ensure there is zero net displacement. The result is a perfectly straight and ultra-strong shaft.
At the heart of each Cynergy carbon composite shaft is its ultra-high-density polyurethane foam core. This Cuetec proprietary poly-foam core ads stability to the shaft, allowing for prescribed flex and creating a more wood-like sound upon contact with increased feel and feedback.
Less weight means less deflection. Benefiting from their ultra-strong carbon composite construction, each Cynergy shaft features Cuetec’s flyweight front-end build. This construction allows the Cynergy poly-foam to stop five inches below the tip, creating a rigid cavity with less mass and therefore less deflection on contact.
Developed to provide the most comfortable playing experiences, each Cuetec Cynergy shaft features a unique performance-oriented taper. Both the Cynergy 12.5 and 11.8 feature super straight tapers with virtually zero rise - allowing for a more level and precise stroke, regardless of the player’s stroke length. In contrast, the Cynergy 10.5 features a hybrid-conical taper - providing increased stiffness and power, for other cue sports including Snooker and Chinese 8-Ball.
At only .25 inches long, the light-weight, thin white sighting ferrule on each Cynergy shaft not only aids in aim contrast and depth perception, but it also provides a more familiar and stable platform for tip maintenance and replacement over the life of the shaft.
Selected for its high-performance and neutral hit attributes, each Cynergy shaft is paired with a laminated Sniper tip. Naturally cured for more than a year, each Sniper tip is meticulously honed, utilizing a unique vacuum lamination process that ensures the elimination of air between the tip’s ten layers.
Maintaining the Cuetec Cynergy shaft’s finish.
Cuetec Cynergy carbon composite shafts must never be sanded or modified. Using any abrasive on the surface of the shaft will damage the shaft’s finish and possibly weaken the shaft’s carbon fiber filaments and discharge potentially harmful materials that could be hazardous to your health. Any polishing, sanding or treatment of the surface of the shaft with abrasives or chemicals of any kind will void the shaft’s warranty.
Never use baby powder, hand chalk, talcum powder or other shaft treatments on a Cuetec Cynergy carbon fiber composite shaft.
To clean the surface of your Cuetec Cynergy carbon composite shaft, you will need just a few materials; Isopropyl Alcohol (75% or higher) and two (2) clean and debris-free soft cloth towels.
Step 1. Remove any dust and debris by wiping the shaft with a soft clean cloth.
Step 2. Apply a reasonable amount of Isopropyl Alcohol (75% or higher) to a clean, soft cloth towel. Next, work the towel up and down the length of the shaft, while rotating your hand around its circumference. It is possible that dirt will be visible on the towel.
This is completely normal. Continue working the shaft with the same motion until all areas have been thoroughly wiped, then allow a few moments for the surface to dry.
Changing the tip on your Cuetec Cynergy Shaft.
Cuetec Cynergy carbon composite shafts feature a light-weight white sighting ferrule. This inclusion to the Cynergy shaft’s front-end construction allows for easier tip replacement over the life of the shaft. When changing the tip, it is important to clean and resurface the ferrule. The minimum height of the ferrule must be greater than 1mm to maintain the shaft’s warranty coverage.
* Always use a recognized and proven cuesmith. Never allow a cuesmith to sand or modify the shaft’s finish when installing a new tip.
Replacing the ferrule on your Cuetec Cynergy Shaft.
While unlikely, should the ferrule on the Cuetec Cynergy shaft ever need to be replaced, it must be done by an authorized Cuetec Cynergy repair center. This is required due to the complex nature of the bonding agents used and to ensure that no damage is done to the shaft’s carbon fiber filaments. To locate an authorized repair center near you, contact
Cuetec Cynergy carbon composite shafts feature a limited-lifetime warranty against warpage.
Cuetec Cynergy carbon composite shafts are not engineered to tolerate considerable lateral pressure. They should never be flexed excessively, hit on other objects or treated with any abrasives, whether they are solid or liquid.
Shaft Diameter
Cuetec Cynergy carbon composite shaft diameters should never be modified. Any sanding, polishing or abrasive treatment could jeopardize the ultra-thin layers of carbon fiber filament and will immediately void the Cynergy shaft’s warranty.
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Präzises Break Queue
... liegt super in der Hand. Gewicht gefällt mir.
... Breaks mit kurzem und langem Stoß laufen sehr kontrolliert und "sprengen" förmlich das Rack.
... und alles andere liegt dann wahrscheinlich am Spieler?! ;-)
... hatte zuvor einen alten Bear Queue mit Leder von Kamui "black hart"
PS: Kleines Manko, die Pomeranze hinterlässt leichte weiße Spuren auf'm Tuch bei tiefem Durchzug. Mir bzw. uns ist es egal.
Angaben zur Produktsicherheit:
2 F., No. 32, Ln. 25, Limin St.,
Donghu Vil., Dali Dist.,
Taichung City, 412026,
Verantwortliche Person:
Dynamic Billard Organisation GmbH
Konrad-Zuse-Str. 15
66459 Kirkel-Limbach